The Arab Observer is back!

Almost two years have passed since I last blogged. I can’t believe how fast time passes. I have missed blogging pretty much, and while being excited – for sometime now – about the day to write my first blog announcing my coming back, I have also been wondering how would it be like getting back to blogging. I have many questions in my mind: would I still have the same audience I had before? would I be able to maintain a healthy blogging schedule? would I be able to make my blogging better than before? have I lost my writing skills? shall I move to wordpress now since my blog has been down for two years and it is a good chance to start over? and many many others…

This is a declaration post for my come back. There are many issues and ideas that I want to talk about in the coming days. One thing in particular that I am pretty excited about is my upcoming novel. Yes, for those who have been following me here on this blog and reading this post, in the past two years I managed to finished writing my first novel “3aroos Amman” (Amman’s bride) and recently was able to secure a publisher in Jordan. I am currently reviewing the publisher’s edits and layout in order to proceed with it. It should be out pretty soon. I will talk specifically about it in the coming few posts.

I really missed this space… and happy to be back.


  1. Fadi, YAY!!! It was a God-gift to run into you last month, and I was so excited to hear the news of the reinstatement of your blog.

    I look forward to getting to being in touch again. Oh, and I'd love it if you switched to WordPress. 🙂


  2. heyy kinzi.. I loved it when I ran into you as well.. that trip was full of positive energy and love.. i guess wordpress is the way to go.. will check what i can do 🙂

    Haitham, thank you 🙂


  3. Heyyyyy Fadi…I guess people are still reading my blog, with as many clicks from me to you as show up today!

    NO HOPE for blogger. Bagoolach 3anjad. Thanks for the tweet, which I am hopeless and figuring out how to follow. 😀


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