Nose Job Advice

Natasha says: fadi
The Observer says: yes
Natasha says: would you ever do a nose job?
The Observer says: yes i would
Natasha says: really?
Natasha says: why ?
Natasha says: why yes?
Natasha says: why no?
The Observer says: because my nose is big
Natasha says: but remeber when you where talking that it has to do with personality?
The Observer says: yes
The Observer says: i will have a better personality then
Natasha says: and that playing with it might …
The Observer says: 🙂
Natasha says: hehe
Natasha says: how come?
The Observer says: because i will be having a better nose
Natasha says: the sharp nose is better that the small one
Natasha says: personality wise
Natasha says: hehe
The Observer says: is mine sharp?
Natasha says: you think i should do it ?
Natasha says: yeah
The Observer says: it depends on how much it annoys you
Natasha says: i don’t know
Natasha says: i don’t look good all the time because of it
Natasha says: ma ba3ref
Natasha says: in serbia , i don’t see it
Natasha says: her i do
The Observer says: you look good to me all the time
Natasha says: because all ppl here have done it
Natasha says: thanks fufu
The Observer says: but all people here have big noses, fa 3adi
Natasha says: small noses here became an obssession
Natasha says: in serbia things are different
Natasha says: here when there is a trend … khalas ..
Natasha says: ya3ni in our sociaty only small noses are accepted
Natasha says: mish 3arfeh
Natasha says: u mish 3arfeh keef momken yisser shekli
The Observer says: it is because small noses are different
Natasha says: but i’d like to have a nice nose
The Observer says: try photoshop first
The Observer says: your nose is nice
Natasha says: you are my only photoshop fiend
Natasha says: hehe
The Observer says: i dont want to make it so that i wont end up with the big nose alone
Natasha says: hehe
Natasha says: yeah and one more thing
Natasha says: my all my family has big noses
Natasha says: keef ya3ni ana la7li akuun gher !
Natasha says: hehe
The Observer says: May I post this chat on my blog?
Natasha says: hehe
Natasha says: i don’t know
Natasha says: ok you can
The Observer says: it is fun
The Observer says: thx xxxx
Natasha says: ma ra7 abayen tafha ?
The Observer says: heheheh, no you won’t
Natasha says: hehe

Natasha’s nose

My nose


  1. fadi i encourage u to do a nose because ur nose is so big and not nice..i think u would look better if u do it.


  2. I remembered one more thing, what are we going to make fun of if we fix our noses?? Laughing is much better than looking good 😉 thanks Haitham:)


  3. Natasha i like your nose, but if you think that it will reflect on your life in a guaranteed good way, surely do it, you are a pretty woman know something, the too perfect image always makes me think twice of its being realyou might have gorgeous eyes, a nice smile, a fit body, but the combination of the good and bad stuff in a reasonable way makes us real. “how did our idea of beauty become so distorted” 🙂 if all Amman had the same nose trend, how would that make it pretty. really, i walk among groups of guys and girls, i always find copies of the same stuff, i rarely find girls who look different.


  4. Noses are overrated :).And Natasha: your nose is tiny, compared to Fadis’ I mean…HA HA HA HA .I know this guy at work who, I thought looked really good, had to do an operation on his nose for medical reasons like he couldn’t breath properly or something like that, he asked told the doctor, that since he is under the knife anyway that he wanted to get this bump removed on the top of the nose and asked him to fix it. The bump was not really big or made him look bad.I kid you not the guy’s nose looked perfect but he stopped being good looking. I guess sometimes imperfections makes you look different and more attractive.


  5. you know something Fadi,, one of the reasons i loved Dubai was that when i used to walk anywhere, i used to see people from all the nations and each nation measure of beauty was different even in how people stress it out and it was evident in every way, the features, body structure, their expressions and even by the colors they wear and their make up, i really enjoyed the international beauty. and i enjoyed being different. it helped me recongnise where i come from because here in Jordan people are the same. there, everybody is different and everything is available so u can pick and match.


  6. Guys, both of your noses are FINE 😀 … if you want to do it, you have to go to a very good plastic surgeon, nose surgeries never succeed from the first time.. NEVER.. you have to go under the knife twice to get the results you are looking for (es2al mjareb 😀 ) .. And lets not forget how PAINFUL it is OUTCH


  7. Tala, yes I liked that a lot in Dubai as well. You see people from all nationality where everyone is different as you said and everyone has a different standard for beauty. I guess each one of us is entitled to define his own beauty standards. We do usually tend to let others do this job for us especially media while we should do it outselves. After all beauty is relative. What really matters is the one seeing himself beautiful. I mean for instance I don’t really see my nose nice, but it is okay, I can live with it. If it is worse than it is now, I would most diffenatly changed it. Ironically I didn’t notice that it is slightly big till I reached 20 years old (Thanks to my best frind). He tried hard to convince me that it is big although I have never seen that because I only look in the mirror from a front view, and my family never mentioned to me that I have a big nose before 😛


  8. Oh my just today at work about 10 minutes ago i was having a discussion with two co-workers of mine the girl said she was thinking about flying to mexico to have a tummy tuck and breast lift, she asked me if i woudl do it. i said no, but to be honest i was actually thinking about it. After i had my son my stomach is not like it use to be as well as my breast. i have actually thought abuot it over and over. anywho is cosmetic surgery ok? i do know i won’t fly to mexic just because it is mega cheap almost free. I think you two have a nice nose! great post!


  9. I am against all kinds of jobs.. I used to hate my nose for a while (its small and has a lift and doesnt need a surgery whatsoever) bas khalas i guess that was the ” nose hating phase”. But now im totally convinced with what i have. Everything you have makes you special in a way. And btw i see both of your noses nice. No need for surgeries! I think you need to wear eye glasses! hehe 🙂


  10. heheheheGreat post fufu i really enjoyed reading it and you made me laugh when u mentioned what happened between us many years ago when i told you about your nose. sorry mate i feel guilty but you need a nose job hehehe joke 😉


  11. Hey … both of you look great … your noses fit your faces perfectly and you don’t need any jobs if you ask me … I say: keep those 🙂


  12. Though I’m personally for getting plastic surgery if someone feels uncomfortable with anything, 7elu anfak Fadi! It is full of character, and not big at all.


  13. No need for both of you..hek I see. sometimes I feel that I need to make one but my mom says”shu bala habal” halla maybe if we took our noses as individual part of the face benshufo big specially comparing with Nancy’s one 🙂 but I think to look at it with all face parts 7anshuf fi insijam somehow. I hate to take shots from right and left to it 😦 but if I looked to miror straight or while talking face to face with any bashufo mashi el 7al 😉In general I don’t mind the idea but not urgent or causes any trouble nor thinking in it;)


  14. Thanks khalida, Roba and RedRose.Roba and RedRose, your noses are very good. There is nothing wrong with them at all as far as I remember. Mine is slightly big, but as Roba said, it gives a character :P, so I will keep it :). Natasha’s nose is small but slightly long, but it gives her a character as well 🙂Have you noticed that most of the commentators on this post are females?


  15. To be honest i had a nose job recently ( about a year and half ago) and im very happy with the results. However you have to be sure you want to do it and find a great doctor who will listen to you. i was very much against plastic surgery but one day i thought what if.. i do not regret it one bit and have gotten a lot of compliments.. i dont hide the fact i did it.. why should i? if you are unhappy and think you could look better ( but you are doing this for yourself and not anyone else) then i say why not.


  16. Zebra, good for you. I am glad you feel better after the surgery. As you said, it depends on how bad you feel about it. I guess it isnt an easy decision for anyone to make, but it can enhance someone’s life if it really bothering him.


  17. Natasha kaif all your family got big noses, mashala 3aleh your bro nose mgatgat o bjanen 😛 … eft mshtag lal character of his nose.


  18. My brother is the most handsome man on earth :p meen yeshhad lal 3aroos 😉But he has a beautiful manly big nose … my mom says he was born with a big nose !! the first baby she ever saw with a big nose :)hehe


  19. You two look great.I have a question for everybody, would you tell your future spouse if you had nose surgery or not? Or would you keep it a secret


  20. I don't think you should get a nose job just because you like small noses or think they look better.You should only get it if it'll make you feel better about yourself afterwards.I don't have a small nose,but I have really thin lips,but I'm not planning to go under the knife anytime soon!


  21. fadi, your nose is okay and i think theres nothing wrong with it!
    and getting a nose job doesnt imply a better personality… it just gives people that fake feeling of confidence which isnt true! confidence should be from with in not based on looks!
    anyway you look good and you dont really need one… but if you want to get one as an improvement only to the way you look and not to the way you feel! then why not? =)


  22. and a nose job costs about 700 (if you do it bi mustashfa il madeeneh) and up to 1700 if you do it by a private doctor!
    and bout the future spouse thing… 3adi tell him, he should love you for who you are as your personality! besides, you see how guyz r obsessed over nancy 3ajram and alissa, they dun seem to care bout the fact that theyve had millions of surgeries done..
    but if u wanna be safe, wait until the guy is rtullyyyy in love with you then tell him:p


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