Mr. AL Bakhit: Would you resign please?

Countries all over the world are progressing forward in granting their citizens more freedom of speech, while you, our beloved Prime Minister, are taking us back in time with your sponatneous laws that only helps in restricting our progress of trying to follow up the level of democracy other countries around the world achieved.

You haven’t even been loyal to your oath of following the Kings guidance in taking care of this country. The king has made it clear on various occaisons that the sky is the limit to the freedom of speech in Jordan, and yet, you can’t see the message. Instead of giving more freedom to our printed publications which suffer from major problems in creativity due to your publications law, you decide to extend your backward law to cover online outlets!

My dear Prime Minister, what has been acceptable decades ago, is NOT acceptable now. We have in Jordan very high literacy ratio. People are much more knowledgable than before. We value our right of freedom of speech as much as we value our right to have water and food.

Jordan has been a role model in the middle east with its democratic process. We have always been aware that we haven’t yet achieved the level of Switzerland or Sweden, but we have always consoled ourselves that we are at least moving forward. We have always enjoyed a partial freedom, and always worked on expanding it. You just can’t be the one to set us back.

It is sad that you have let it reached to this point. King Abdullah has came up twice this year in public declaring his annoyance of the way you and your team are dealing with issues. First it was the fuel prices problem, and then it happened againt for other grocery products price problem. I wonder if you are willing to test his patience and made him appear for a third time to set you straight of his vision of Jordan. I believe that “the sky is the limit” should be blunt enough for you. If not, God help you…

We won’t let anyone eat from our achievments so far.

We’ ll keep on progressing no matter what kind of obstacles you or any other try to place in our way.


  1. Qwaider قويدر Avatar

    Actually, that was supposed to be “Hear, Hear!”


  2. Anonymous Avatar

    come on people. do you think Bkhait can make such decisions without instructions from his superiors.


  3. KJ Avatar

    And what is your definition of freedom of speech, and how is the government not allowing it according to your definition?


  4. bakkouz Avatar

    Amen brother, Amen.


  5. The Observer Avatar

    Qwaider, hope he does!Anonymous, yes for sure. KJ, it is to have the freedom to say whatever you want without the fear of being jailed for your opinion. The government issued a law of applying the printed publication law on online outlites. The printed publication has always been used to restrict writers from saying anything that doesnt suit the government.Bakkhouze, Amen 🙂


  6. الاردني الحر Avatar

    يا أخي ،يعني انت بتعرف مين بحكم ومين برسم في هل البلد،المشكله ليست في البخيت،خلينا نكون شويه صادقين مع أنفسنا،الملك عبدالله بدوهيك،هاي هي كل القصه


  7. The Observer Avatar

    alurdunialhur, la2 ya zalameh, the king doesnt want it like this. He said it over and over again, the sky is the limit.


  8. Jad Madi Avatar

    short and sweet.Amen


  9. Nizar Avatar

    the sky is the limit.Amen


  10. taksam Avatar

    don’t worry guys,,,Mr. PM will have to resign after the upcoming election.


  11. hamede Avatar

    The king just said no to consorship in jordan.


  12. The Observer Avatar

    Jad, thanks 🙂Nizar, yes it is 🙂Hamede, thanks for the good news. I knew it is coming!rainman, I hope so!


  13. KJ Avatar

    So your definition also means that everyone can insult the other with a slurry of all sorts of racial words, hateful and abusing sentences and offending phrases, and not be held accountable for it?


  14. The Observer Avatar

    kj, it depends on what you mean of being held accountable for. Yes, everyone is entitled to speak up his mind. If someone else is offended, it isn’t the government role to punish the offender and restrict our usage of words and ideas.


  15. KJ Avatar

    So you’re here limiting the free speech only when it comes to governmental issues


  16. The Observer Avatar

    kj, I am not sure I understand what you means. I am not sure whether insulting people can be considered as a part of freedom of speech or not, but hey, everyone can be offended from anything. There should be no law to punish people for their speech no matter what they say (I guess). What do you think?


  17. KJ Avatar

    I think the term “freedom of speech” is too abstract to put definitions to, and implement, this is what I was getting at 🙂


  18. The Observer Avatar

    KJ, yeah, it can be too abstract with people having their own limits. But maybe it shouldn’t. Let the sky be the limit, and let us say what ever we want 🙂


  19. Hani Obaid Avatar

    I got a taste of what KJ mentioned myself recently.Someone got on my blog, and kept posting very rude comments, insults, lies etc…When I deleted their posts, it got worse. So I enabled moderation, and created a deletion policy.Once they got bored, I disabled moderation again, and all is peachy 🙂but based on my personal experience, while I don’t like the idea of placing the same limits on us as regular media, I think some limits should be there. It all depends what they are trying to enforce. We’ll see soon enough.


  20. The Observer Avatar

    hani, but everyone would suit him to restrict talking about certain subject. We differ, and all are entitled to our right of freedom of speech. There should be no restrictions whatsoever. We are currently doing very well without monitoring, why change that?


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