First Gay Jordanian blog

Jordanian gays find the internet as their only means of communicating their internal feelings to the outer society of Jordan that percieve them as immoral people.

I came across this interesting blog for a Jordanian guy from Irbid who is trying to explain out his struggle of his homosexual feelings through his blog.

He said:

بكل بساطة لأنها وسيلة التعبير الوحيدة المتاحة لي لكي أعبر عن مشاعري المكبوتة منذ أكثر من إثنى عشر عاما نعم لقد كبت مشاعري في داخلي وخجلت منها لأني مثلي الجنس مضطهد من قبل معظم أفراد مجتمعي لدرجة أني وصلت إلى مرحلة قريبة من الانفجار بسبب عدم قدرتي على التوفيق بين توجهاتي الجنسية وديني الذي كنت ملتزما به ولكن الحمد لله الآن أنا متقبل بشكل كامل لمثليتي وفخور بها ولكن أحب أن أكون واضحا منذ البداية لا أريد من أعزائي قراء هذه المدونة أن يعتقدوا أن الهدف منها هو نشر المثلية بالمجتمع بالعكس تماما فأنا لا أطلب من أي إنسان أن يتحول إلى مثلي الجنس ولكن عزيزي/عزيزتي قارئة هذه المدونة إذا كنت مثلي الجنس أرجو أن تتقبل ذاتك وتتصالح مع نفسك فنحن لم نختر بأيدينا أن نكون مثليين هكذا خلقنا وهذا هو قدرنا ونحن بكل سعادة فخورين باختلافنا بالتوجهات الجنسية عن الآخرين ونرجو من مجتمعنا الحبيب أن يتقبلنا كما نحن بدون اضطهاد ولا داعي لكي نخفي رؤوسنا تحت التراب فنحن موجودون في كل المجتمعات وعلى مر العصور لن ننقرض ولن نختفي من الوجود وسنبقى نناضل في هذه الحياة حتى يتم قبولنا ونحصل على حقوقنا الكاملة التي سبقنا إليها الكثير من المثليين في الدول المتقدمة التي تحترم حقوق الإنسان المقدسة ومنها الحق في حرية التعبير الذي أمارسه هنا في هذه المدونة الجديدة وكما قال فولتير أنا لست مقتنعاً بشيء مما تقوله لكني سأدافع حتى الموت عن حقك في أن تقول

I wonder how this cry out of a sincere voice would affect the homophobic society of Jordan.

Here is the blogger’s URL:


  1. redrose Avatar

    I came across this blog yesterday and read all his posts, really it’s weird, I have to say it’s disgusting or the god created them like this by nature as they pretend!! (I have no idea)!!. In all cases keep silent will do nothing, we have to discuss this matter scientifically and psychologically cuz we couldn’t deny they are exist in our society.


  2. The Observer Avatar

    Hey RedRose, yes, keep on silence wont do any good to anyone. Maybe it is disgusting for you because you are not used to such scene because our society keep it secret. Scientist don’t yet know how our sexual orientation develop, genetic and early childhood might have a big role in that. But they percieve homosexuals are normal people. It isn’t a sickness, and it exists everywhere. Maybe people should try to understand it.


  3. Qwaider قويدر Avatar

    Very interesting… I think the worst thing to do is oppress anyone… Let people be …I might not agree with it or like it .. but it’s not my business!If they think there is something wrong with them, they can (and some do) seek help. But if they’re fine with themselves, and stay away from my business … then .. It’s their life


  4. average-moh Avatar

    Just imagine living your whole life pretending to be something you’re not , also imagine the amount of courage and self confidence it takes to blog openly about this in a society that WILL attack and judge him . I have so much respect for this guy , good for him .@ redrose : what’s disgusting about this ?? homosexuality is a fact , and homos was and will always be , we should be able to accept people even if they’re different


  5. 7aki Fadi Avatar

    Very interesting.I really feel bad for homosexuals in Jordan (or anywhere for that matter) because people don’t let them be.Why should anybody care who sleeps with what or whom, no?It’s interesting that blogging would allow him to express himself when he couldn’t do it in the real world.Fadi, you always bring up interesting topics, keep it coming 🙂


  6. Tala Avatar

    truly this guy pissed me off! inno ok gay, but really did you read the written comments? can you imagine the tight pants and posture and blaaaaaa..!!! its like, i am Arab, for me to see an arab gay who acts feminine really makes me wonder! how is he formulated?! i have an identity problem for him, ya3ni, imagine a head of an arab political party who is gay! it is possible but not credible, i wont have faith in his leadership, its like pedophile pope,, a gay doesnt qualify by the laws of arab culture!! ma 3am tinbale3! the first thing that occurs to me is “biddak shad baraghee ya 7ilu” if our culture could expand in skin and adapt and adjust, i donno how replica of European culture we would be? i know people who are gay, i deal with them like normal people, but why on earth should i give him the right to claim rights as if its a third gendre or as if ana mi6ehdito!! its his choice in this society. he should adapt.. not me!


  7. hamede Avatar

    I just dont understand that,a man want to be a woman,next thing he may be want to adopt a kid since he cant have any.I am against gays and lesbians.shoot me.


  8. Nidal Avatar

    i think liberty is a precious value humanity could reach… if a man likes a man, or a woman likes a woman, they have the right to feel that… so we, the straight people, should accept this as if we are claiming for equality and justice… because when we say that these people have no right to do so because we think it is wrong, we will say no for so many other things, that in our “perspective” are wrong…


  9. Sid Avatar

    It seems Mr. Gay Jordanian wants people to hear him out but he refuses to let others share their views on his blog. I got all of my posts on his blog deleted. Is this a joke? Here is a guy who cries freedom of expression and who demands to be heard, but he is so quick to repress others and censor them.


  10. The Observer Avatar

    Qwaider, I agree, everyone entitled to his life. I can’t understand why some people get all worked out for some other people’s lifes!Average-Moh, I have such respect for this guy. I feel sorry for him for having to go through this and yet being attacked for being courageous and talk about it.7aki fadi, thx :). I guess that we will be hear about more and more homosexuals coming out now that our society is getting more exposure to the world.Tala, wait a minute, pedophiles are so different than homosexuals, you can’t compare the two. Another thing what does matter if a gay man is mascular or femininie? We do stereotype them to be femininie while most of the gay men are in fact as masculine as any straight man. Besides, femininity shouldn’t be a problem, if that is the physic and mentality of the guy. Who told you that we dont have gay political leaders? We most definatly have many who keep their sexuality to themselves. If you one day wake up to know that someone who you admire is in fact gay, why would he loose his credibility to you?hamede, no need to shoot anyone :P. Just leave them alone and let them leave you alone. Everyone is entitled to his own life.nidal abutarbush, you put it nicely. I 100% agree.sid, it is sad if he does that. Maybe he got overwhelmed by the hate messages that were sent to him. I don’t know.


  11. ozz Avatar

    I met an Azerbaijani gay in a bar here in jordan one day, he was drunk and he sat beside me. the way he spoke was obviously weird but i thought it was just because he’s drunk at first, later I went throught a conversation with him, he told me that he’s heading the next day to Istanbul to resolve a problem with his boyfriend. again at first I thought he meant his girlfriend. but he kept going on telling me about HIM .. and I realized that he’s homosexual. he all in sudden bursted into tears .. he was really sad because he broke with his boyfriend. and i don’t know .. I just felt that my old thoughts abouth gays were wrong .. he’s a human .. he has feelings and above all he was very nice as a person talking in whatever .. it was almost 3:00 am when he decided to leave to prepare for his journey to turkey, and he gave me a hug and asked me to wish wish him luck with his boyfriend!


  12. The Observer Avatar

    Ozz, lol, good luck to the guy and his boyfriend. What did you expect man? Gays not being human beings? :). It is funny how we easily de-humanize each other.


  13. wedz Avatar

    nothing to add here!!No one mention what god said about those people!! We all live for god, god created us on his image guys!! and he created men and women for reasons, and both of them have different job…. this man forgot all about God. homesexual is a sin, and i do beleive that Satan is working thru them and we need to open our eyes for that… its not a human issue at all its a spiritual issue!!


  14. Natasha Avatar

    I have a very close friend who is gay, he is absolutely masculine:) when ppl see me with him they are like “meeen el shagfeh, lesh ma tzab6i?, 6ab 3arfeena;)”


  15. Natasha Avatar

    One more thing, usually gay ppl are talented, at least that is my experience 🙂


  16. The Observer Avatar

    Wedz, this guy has posted some versus of love which he quoted from the bible. Regardless what any interpretation of the old testemony you follow, no one can be christian and ignore that love message of Jesus. Jesus loved the wicked more than the good. He came to save everyone. If you really follows his teachings you shouldn’t condemn people to be a work of Satan! Natasha, yes, he is masculine and talented 🙂


  17. Haitham Avatar

    Well, i think gay people are normal , just like everyone else, seriously, why do we have to use labels? it is up to them whom they want to sleep with, or whom they feel attracted to, at the end of the day, they are humans, not less than any of us, infact most of them have achieved GREAT things in thier lives! And for those of you who ‘Hate’ or get ‘pissed off’ by Homosexuality, imagine if your brother, your cousin, or even your own kid is gay, how would you deal with it? if we scale things on ourselves before judging other people, we might be able to accept them and start looking at this thing from another perspective, because it can be anyone,ANYONE! no one is prevented from being a gay.And Natasha, I highly agree with you about the creativity! 🙂 they are very talented and creative.


  18. wedz Avatar

    as i said its relative spiritualy!maybe u got me wrong here. i didnt condemn him or something.. i served between those people. and i really know what they feel!! and coz i know im telling you, its work of satan inside of them.. its not something need pure or medicine , its something need god works


  19. The Observer Avatar

    Wedz, why would God let Satan mess up those poor people? what did they do wrong to deserve to be born like this?


  20. محمد Avatar

    dear The ObserverU can’t imagine how much I felt happy when I c ur post about my blogplz forgive me because I came late 2 comment about itI have a tough university exam next week (plz wish good luck 4 me)honey u give me hope in this lifeit’s unbelievable 2 find somebody like u respect gays as they r without homophobia & can understand who much gays repress there internal feeling r u really Jordanian I can’t believe this!!!am I dreaming??My friend u r one of the most kind, sweet, urbane Jordanian guy I ever met thank u thank u thank uwould u plz give a permission to comment on ur friends comments ??


  21. wedz Avatar

    God didnt create this in them!!but we all know that satan has control on people people who open doors for him!! to let him control their lifes…god create us as his image.anyway im writing a post about it…. u can check it!


  22. The Observer Avatar

    Hey mohammad, you are so courageous man to come out like this on a blog. It isnt just me, our society is changings. Believe me, there are many other Jordanians who do respects everyones rights to choose their own lives. Sure, you can comment whereever you feel like to.Good luck in your exams.


  23. Devil's Mind Avatar

    Someone is gettin on a date tonight!!! A gay date 😉 😛One has to wonder why they choose the word “gay” for male homos… Historically the word “gay” meant happiness.


  24. محمد Avatar

    my friend Fadi I’m believing u, that’s true there are many Jordanians who do respects everyone’s rights to choose their own liveshope they become more & more Fadi u r the courageous straight man 2 talk about this controversy subject in ur blogthank u 4 allowing me 2 comment


  25. محمد Avatar

    dear redrosethank u because u read all my posts& thank u because u accept discussion about gays matter scientifically and psychologically & u don’t deny homosexual existence in our societydear I can understand u feel disgusted when u think about the physical part of homosexual relationbut could u plz forget about what happens in the bed room & think about gays as a humans have feeling, emotions & need respect from the societythis is all what I needI think there r multi factors make me gay (psychologically, socially, genetics & others)but I’m sure from one thing ; I didn’t choose 2 be a gaygod created me like this & he will never punish me for something I didn’t choose


  26. محمد Avatar

    dear QwaiderU have a nice liberal point of view about gaysI 100% agree with u (the worst thing to do is oppress anyone)dear I was thinking that being gay is wrong & I seek help from 4 psychiatric doctors in Irbid (there r only 4 psychiatric doctors in Irbid)but there is no benefit from there treatment at allthere is no treatment for homosexuality in medical books & they treat me in several behavioral ways & give me antidepressant drugsIn fact I found it useless because I’m not depressed The only treatment is acceptance of my self as a gaythis is what I’m doing blogging help me more 2 accept my selfthanks God I’m not considering my self sick any moreMy friend I swear 2 stay away from your business:))))


  27. محمد Avatar

    dear average-mohthank u honey 4 ur supporting wordsreally u make me optimistthank u again


  28. محمد Avatar

    dear 7aki FadiI like ur nickname it seems that u have a cool personalityU can feel how much homosexuals suffer from persecution in Arab communityU r sympathizing with us thank u very much


  29. محمد Avatar

    dear Talasorry 4 pissing u offI don’t wear tight pantsI’m a man not a FamineI dress as a man talk, walk and act as a manI’m happy with my masculine body, not thinking & not trying 2 change itthere is a huge deference between homosexual & transsexualIf u c me in the street (if u r living in Irbid u may know me) u well never notice any deference between me & other guysI’m a normal personnot try 2 act as normal,no I’m really a normal manthis is why I keep talking in the blog about my daily lifeI want people 2 understand that gays r normal we r not aliensdear u make me sad when u compare between gays & pedophile popeI hate pedophile & am not one of themby the way I do not have transvestism, fetishism, zoophylia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masochism or sadism.the only deference between me & heterosexual is that I’m sexually attracted 2 the same sex & have emotions towards them dear what’s wrong if our culture become replica of European cultureIf European culture respect humans rights more than our culture why not 2 improvement ithoney when I will be the head of a political party I will nominate u 2 be the first female prime minister of Jordanbut nobody will vote 2 the partyhehehehehehehehehehejust kidding(ma tez3aly meny)of course not because of u!!!because I’m a gay & they consider me a third gender!!any body here will vote 2 my party tell me plz??:))))))


  30. محمد Avatar

    dear hamedenobody here talking about a man want 2 be a womanthis is another subjectI’m a gay man & I do not want 2 change my gender, I’m happy with itdear adopting a child is a wish 4 me because I will never have a kidthis is my destiny!!give me a gun I want 2 shoot my self because hamede against gays & lesbianshoney try change ur view u don’t want me 2 be shooteddont u??let me guesshmmmmmmmm


  31. hamede Avatar

    Why do i have to change my view,why don,t you change you,r name and behavior.


  32. محمد Avatar

    dear nidal abutarbushme 2 I think liberty is a precious value humanity could reachhumans must not live in taboo


  33. محمد Avatar

    dear Sidthis is not a jokeno comments come from u at allyesterday night there was only one comment from someone his nickname is “Funny” & I published itby the way could plz give a technical support?I’m new in bloggingdo u know how 2 make comments published without a permission from the blog owner?? dear everybody is welcome 2 comment in my blogwhat ever is ur comment I will publish itfreedom of expression is hallowed in my opinion


  34. محمد Avatar

    Dear hamedeI guess u want me 2 be shooted🙂well, why not ?!!I will change my view if I think it is not fair 4 others& I will change my behavior if it harms anyone but sorry I’m not going 2 change my nameit is a personal issue & I like my name


  35. محمد Avatar

    dear wedzI did not forgot all about GodI believe in God & love my GodI disagree with ur point: homosexuality is a human issue not a spiritual issuebecause u r talking a bout a human not a Satan!!!God is the (Most) MercifulI’m sure God will not punish me a bout something he knows that I didn’t choose


  36. محمد Avatar

    dear Haithamthanks u talk about gays in a very open-minded way dear Natasha U 2 make my self-esteem very highthank u


  37. jasmine Avatar

    hey peeps, eeeeeeeeewwwwwwww! gays thats so gross!! ALLAH created everything + and – not – and – and definetly not +and+ so yeah. and by the way dont call me narrow minded cuz im an arab-american, and im from new jersey and i wanna tell you that in my highschool yeah they are accepted but ppl stil make fun of them and plus if u are a muslim its soooooo 7aram! haven’t you heard about sayyedna loot! and what ALLAH made to his qawm becuz they were gay men! and plz dont say its ur destiny becuz here in america until 1989 gayness was considered a psyichological disease and not freedom! and if god hated something we should so not follow it! u know i read in an article in sum arabic magazine that an egyptian priest used to cure gay men from homosexuality and he got them to get married and have children like normal ppl! so u just need to try seriously! and u will so get over it! and plus it causes a lot of undesirable diseases! and i know arabs are HOMOPHOBIC!!


  38. jasmine Avatar

    wedz u r awesome buddy! hi air 5! =]


  39. محمد Avatar

    dear Devil’s MindU have a devil’s idea(about dating)😉why 2 u wonder about the word gay=happiness historically??why not?? let us (gays) be happy :))I hope u & everyone 2 be happy in his life


  40. محمد Avatar

    dear jasmineI will not call u narrow minded or HOMOPHOBICjust talking about gays issues is a gr8 step in acceptance of homo’s in the community& u did this step🙂honey I tried hard 2 change my homosexualitybelieve me that’s impossible it is my natureI respect American psychologist b/c they remove gayness from the diseases list in 1989 I read about an Egyptian priest used to cure gay men from homosexuality and he got them to get married and have childrenbut this is not a scientific treatment this is a religious treatmentthere r a lot of gays in Jordan tried this but in the end they faildo u know why?because now they live 2 life’s one with there wife’s & the other secret life with there gay loversthey can’t suppress there emotions forever even after they got children!!I don’t know what is the fault of there wife’s to get married from gay who will deceive her & he will never give her love which she deserves from a straight husbandhoney u lives in USA can u see a movie called brokeback mountain?? it discuss this problem in a clear wayU know America is still not liberal as Europe hope one day it be will betteram not surprising about what happens 2 gays in ur high school, in some middle west states of USA gays not accepted yetdear I heard about qawm loot but I’m not a Muslim (I’m agonistic)I believe that God will never punish ppl about a normal thing!!God creates me like this & I think gay is good


  41. The Observer Avatar

    Mohd, why don’t you reply to everyone in one comment post? it would be easier for us to read your replies. Thx.


  42. wedz Avatar

    mohammad, as i said God created us as his image,, do u think god is gay!!!!sorry for this but i think you need help… maybe u had this emotions and feeling towards same sex…. but u didnt try to stop or get some help.!! god doesnt create you gay, beleieve it or not… and now i can assure u that not god who control ur life now… and he is not at all beside you or even close to you, coz u chose to be far away, im sure god is looking at you now trying to help you to be normal (not gay) but u dont, coz u think gays is normal!!its not normal at all! l2ano law normal to be gay, i dont think that God created eve.. kan bs dal 3la adam!!!!


  43. The Observer Avatar

    Heheheh, Wedz, you made me laugh 😛Is God straight then? lolGod is neight gay nor straight, he is neither male nor female. He is a spirit. when it is written in the bible that God created us in his image, he didn’t mention if it is a man or woman. It isn’t clear what image was meant.Gayness is as natural as straightness. It is both natural. God created both, and he loves both. It is a sin lying to yourself, not being yourself in terms of how God created you.


  44. Gardenia Avatar

    Obesever, you made a very good puplicity for that guy…you must be so proud..


  45. The Observer Avatar

    Gardenia, I guess that he deserve this publicity for being courageous to face all of those people 🙂


  46. wedz Avatar

    here you go god didnt creat gays!!!! or homexsual!!! if he really did this.. why he creat EVE!! I cant say more!!its so hard for me to put things in world and realted it to god!! allah y3ino rabna 3lina!!26 وَقَالَ اَللهُ: “نَعْمَلُ اَلإِنْسَانَ عَلَى صُورَتِنَا كَشَبَهِنَا فَيَتَسَلَّطُونَ عَلَى سَمَكِ اَلْبَحْرِ وَعَلَى طَيْرِ اَلسَّمَاءِ وَعَلَى اَلْبَهَائِمِ وَعَلَى كُلِّ اَلأَرْضِ وَعَلَى جَمِيعِ اَلدَّبَّابَاتِ اَلَّتِي تَدِبُّ عَلَى اَلأَرْضِ”. 27فَخَلَقَ اَللهُ اَلإِنْسَانَ عَلَى صُورَتِهِ. عَلَى صُورَةِ اَللهِ خَلَقَهُ. ذَكَراً وَأُنْثَى خَلَقَهُمْ. 28وَبَارَكَهُمُ اَللهُ وَقَالَ لَهُمْ: “أَثْمِرُوا وَاَكْثُرُوا وَاَمْلأُوا اَلأَرْضَ وَأَخْضِعُوهَا وَتَسَلَّطُوا عَلَى سَمَكِ اَلْبَحْرِ وَعَلَى طَيْرِ اَلسَّمَاءِ وَعَلَى كُلِّ حَيَوَانٍ يَدِبُّ عَلَى اَلأَرْضِ”.y3ni, teh next time you look in the mirror, think about this: u r created in God’s own image!لاويين 18-22 22وَلاَ تُضَاجِعْ ذَكَراً مُضَاجَعَةَ امْرَأَةٍ. إِنَّهُ رِجْسٌ.1 كورنثوس 6 (9) 9أَمْ لَسْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ لاَ يَرِثُونَ مَلَكُوتَ اللهِ؟ لاَ تَضِلُّوا! لاَ زُنَاةٌ وَلاَ عَبَدَةُ أَوْثَانٍ وَلاَ فَاسِقُونَ وَلاَ مَأْبُونُونَ وَلاَ مُضَاجِعُو ذُكُورٍ 10وَلاَ سَارِقُونَ وَلاَ طَمَّاعُونَ وَلاَ سِكِّيرُونَ وَلاَ شَتَّامُونَ وَلاَ خَاطِفُونَ يَرِثُونَ مَلَكُوتَ اللهِ. 11وَهَكَذَا كَانَ أُنَاسٌ مِنْكُمْ. لَكِنِ اغْتَسَلْتُمْ بَلْ تَقَدَّسْتُمْ بَلْ تَبَرَّرْتُمْ بِاسْمِ الرَّبِّ يَسُوعَ وَبِرُوحِ إِلَهِنَا. 19أَمْ لَسْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ جَسَدَكُمْ هُوَ هَيْكَلٌ لِلرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ الَّذِي فِيكُمُ الَّذِي لَكُمْ مِنَ اللهِ وَأَنَّكُمْ لَسْتُمْ لأَنْفُسِكُمْ؟ 20لأَنَّكُمْ قَدِ اشْتُرِيتُمْ بِثَمَنٍ. فَمَجِّدُوا اللهَ فِي أَجْسَادِكُمْ وَفِي أَرْوَاحِكُمُ الَّتِي هِيَ لِلَّهِ.


  47. wedz Avatar

    and…20لأَنَّ مُنْذُ خَلْقِ الْعَالَمِ تُرَى أُمُورُهُ غَيْرُ الْمَنْظُورَةِ وَقُدْرَتُهُ السَّرْمَدِيَّةُ وَلاَهُوتُهُ مُدْرَكَةً بِالْمَصْنُوعَاتِ حَتَّى إِنَّهُمْ بِلاَ عُذْرٍ. 21لأَنَّهُمْ لَمَّا عَرَفُوا اللهَ لَمْ يُمَجِّدُوهُ أَوْ يَشْكُرُوهُ كَإِلَهٍ بَلْ حَمِقُوا فِي أَفْكَارِهِمْ وَأَظْلَمَ قَلْبُهُمُ الْغَبِيُّ. 22وَبَيْنَمَا هُمْ يَزْعُمُونَ أَنَّهُمْ حُكَمَاءُ صَارُوا جُهَلاَءَ 23وَأَبْدَلُوا مَجْدَ اللهِ الَّذِي لاَ يَفْنَى بِشِبْهِ صُورَةِ الإِنْسَانِ الَّذِي يَفْنَى وَالطُّيُورِ وَالدَّوَابِّ وَالزَّحَّافَاتِ. 24لِذَلِكَ أَسْلَمَهُمُ اللهُ أَيْضاً فِي شَهَوَاتِ قُلُوبِهِمْ إِلَى النَّجَاسَةِ لإِهَانَةِ أَجْسَادِهِمْ بَيْنَ ذَوَاتِهِمِ. 25الَّذِينَ اسْتَبْدَلُوا حَقَّ اللهِ بِالْكَذِبِ وَاتَّقَوْا وَعَبَدُوا الْمَخْلُوقَ دُونَ الْخَالِقِ الَّذِي هُوَ مُبَارَكٌ إِلَى الأَبَدِ. آمِينَ. 26لِذَلِكَ أَسْلَمَهُمُ اللهُ إِلَى أَهْوَاءِ الْهَوَانِ لأَنَّ إِنَاثَهُمُ اسْتَبْدَلْنَ الاِسْتِعْمَالَ الطَّبِيعِيَّ بِالَّذِي عَلَى خِلاَفِ الطَّبِيعَةِ 27وَكَذَلِكَ الذُّكُورُ أَيْضاً تَارِكِينَ اسْتِعْمَالَ الأُنْثَى الطَّبِيعِيَّ اشْتَعَلُوا بِشَهْوَتِهِمْ بَعْضِهِمْ لِبَعْضٍ فَاعِلِينَ الْفَحْشَاءَ ذُكُوراً بِذُكُورٍ وَنَائِلِينَ فِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ جَزَاءَ ضَلاَلِهِمِ الْمُحِقَّ. 28وَكَمَا لَمْ يَسْتَحْسِنُوا أَنْ يُبْقُوا اللهَ فِي مَعْرِفَتِهِمْ أَسْلَمَهُمُ اللهُ إِلَى ذِهْنٍ مَرْفُوضٍ لِيَفْعَلُوا مَا لاَ يَلِيقُ


  48. The Observer Avatar

    Wedz, if homosexuality is natural that doesnt mean that God shouldn’t have created Eve.He created both. Straights and Homosexuals. I believe that these versus are for straight men who have sex with gay men, not gay men who have sex with other gay men.If a gay man sleeps with a woman, then this would be out of his nature. Out of what God give him. Which would make it a sin.


  49. Devil's Mind Avatar

    Wedad said: <>as i said God created us as his image,, do u think god is gay!!!!<>Thinking about it, he probably is GAY!! Think about it, “Father” and “Son”… both males…. So I cannot imagine them being anything other than gays… except of course, if the “holy spirit” is feminine and the father and son bang the holy spirit in an orgy!!


  50. The Observer Avatar

    devil’s mind, you are so bad man! 🙂Those all supposed to be one person!


  51. AniTriniTy Avatar

    dear Observer … thx for noticing the most courageous guy on the blogs … or one of the most 🙂 .. i really admire him .. and respect him … no need to talk more about him bcoz his blog is expressing more … between all the comments the most comment i noticed is wedz’s comment … he/she siad ” as i said God created us as his image,, do u think god is gay!!!! ” it’s really funny simple way of thinking :)) … i couldn’t help to stop laughing .. u answered her comment very well … but I want to add something here … God created us on his image .. ok .. that’s right .. but .. we are one object of all the objects on the universe … which been created by God … But do u think God will create anything he cant experience it him self ? … I believe that creation is an experiment … experiment of all the aliments that exist in the spectrum of life … And I believe that God is the extremists experiment on the both sides of the aliment … For example .. God created light .. he created darkness as well .. and the light knows it self by the darkness and the darkness knows it self by the dark … but this aliment can’t be the extremist .. bcoz on the both sides of this aliment there is God … he is the most light and the most dark … he is the most Good and the most evil .. the most love and the most ignorance …. He is on both sides of the creation spectrum … And when religious scripts tells us that God created us on his image .. dose any one think about that this say contain something else the outlook ! .. something like the ability to be Gods our selves … !! any one of you thought about this before ? .. But hey …. Wait a minute .. I don’t mean we are the same as God … but we are a part .. and we are the experiment of God creation … and every EVERY single aliment inside of us and every single feeling we have .. it’s all apart of God him self … Creation is an experiment … and God is experiencing him self through us and through every single aliment he did create … and it’s out role to experiencing our selves the same way as God do .. bcoz that’s what God wants us to do … Dear wedz … if u asking if God is gay I will answer u yes : ) … being Gay is a part of God and he is experiencing this part … as being straight as being in love as being in glory as being in ignorance … it’s all back to the same holy spirit .


  52. omar Avatar

    at least he knew himself and came to a conclusion that he is of that sexuality.i’m sure the amount of such “frowned-upon” acts are happening between the bushes and when they get caught to be asked what they are, they use the arab term for gay which is “bisexual” and move on in their lives to have a nice happy sham marriage.I’m really interested to read his blog, not that I totally approvebut who am I to come to a person and tell him what to be or not to be?


  53. omar Avatar

    Devil’s Mind,i wonder what would the freres think about that if you uttered you’re useless insults back in


  54. The Observer Avatar

    Anitirninity, from a phylosophical point of view. God is all and thus homosexuality is part of him. Omeranos, thx, welcome to my blog.


  55. Devil&apos;s Mind Avatar

    Well, since I failed to make a philosophically valid argument about God’s gayness, I leave that honor to The Observer! Indeed, God is all! 😛


  56. Anonymous Avatar

    I just came across this post. I haven’t read all of the comments.. I read the first few and these were more than enough to get my blood boiling. Before people start making assumptions, I am a straight Jordanian female.Many people are very ignorant about homosexuality. Just today I heard a woman ordering another woman never to mention “the queer” because they’re dirty and should not be talked about.Homosexuality has been present throughout history.. and about 10% of the world’s population is gay. Many might say these 10% would exist in the US, or Europe, while in fact this number goes across cultures and geographical locations. Gay men do not choose to be gay. It is biological and some argue that genetics could contribute to homosexuality. Gay men are not asking to be classified at a third gender!!!!! not all gay men act feminine, and I don’t know any gay men who wish they were females!!!Tala, how would being gay make a man less credible? or less worthy of holding office? The most intelligent men I had met were gay, I would trust them in office, and I really cannot establish any connection between credibility and sexual orientation!!You know gay people and you deal with them like they are human beings? Honey, they are human.. maybe even more human than you! They are not asking for any more rights that heterosexuals don’t have! As a matter of facts, Jordan’s gay population are not asking for much.. just acceptance at the mean time!! If our society is controlled by religious institutions, you, as individuals should at least understand that there is nothing wrong with them!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE get an education! Please don’t insist on bigotry and just accept their presence in our society! People, please stop being stupid and intolerant.. You don’t have to embrace it, just try to be less judgmental!!!


  57. The Observer Avatar

    Anonymous, I am afraid that you are a bit late to this conversation. A heated debate was triggered among the blogsphere on various blogs about this issue.Unfortunatly 56% voted against adding Gay Jordan blog to Qwaider aggregator. People in Jordan seem to need sometime to absorb the facts about gays. I agree with everything you said. Welcome to my blog 🙂


  58. Anonymous Avatar

    our culture refuse gay life , even that now adays gay life increase in jordan , secrete hidden , the problen is to solve this issue by , our relation ship in childhood”gay relation ” effect all our future life , with out knowing what will do after.


  59. Gay-Single Avatar

    Hi all,gay jordanian


  60. Anonymous Avatar

    hi everyone!i was reading the comments, and i agree that gay people are humans too. They were created gay and didnt have a choice, in fact, why would anyone chose not to have kids, and chose to be looked down at in our Arab society, etc. i think that no one would chose this and that people should just accept it, and if not, then dont insult and show hatred towards gays because you really have no right to do so. I also want to say that im very proud of muhammad for being so brave and accepting himself, muhammand, i want to tell you that you really motivated me and i wish you the best of luck!


  61. Anonymous Avatar

    hi, for those who think being gay is a choice one makes, i want you to see this:


  62. Iyad Avatar

    I am a doctor who lived in USA for 7 years. I am not surprised to see this blog and I expect that the number of people who will endorse homosexuality will increase rapidly in the Arab world. I know that deviant sexual practices existed in our area as in other countries for a long time but to be open about it and to commit to strict homosexual practices is new. We are a defeated nation and it is not unusual for defeated people to imitate their defeaters. The prophet PBUH told us that we will follow the paths of other nations and this is only one example. All homosexuals I know were victims of sexual abuse when they were young and they deserve psychological treatment but they cannot guide the rest of us to believe in their delusions. I think the only way out of this problem for its victims is to repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness and guidance and not to be proud of using your anus for pleasure while it was created for defecation. Wake up people: You will be ashamed of yourselves in this life and in the hereafter.


  63. Anonymous Avatar

    I think that this comment is outdated…i just stumbled upon this blog entry, and i may have some things to add.Am gay, it goes beyond my sexual desires, my physical interactions with the same sex, and my emotional connectedness to my fellow men.You are a woman tala, are you only defined by your love of the opposite sex? are you defined SOLELY by your sexual/emotional interests!For me (others may disagree), being gay goes beyond my sexual desires, it is a big part of me, yeah, i like wearing purple t’s and i like to sing along Ms. Gaynor’s words, so tell me this, HOW DOES THIS AFFECT YOU?But guess what! am also a dozen other things that you might get a chance to actually notice if you got over yourself and talked to me like the regular GAY person that i am.People try to broaden your thinking a bit, it wont hurt.One more thing that bugs me the most, is why is it that when you say someone is gay, he/she is immediately labeled, i don’t see that happening with straight people, not all gay people are looking for adultery, just like not all straight men/women are, is that so difficult to comprehend that being gay can be more than merely a skin-deep stereotype which is being enforced by the multitude of media that we are surrounded by.


  64. Anonymous Avatar

    Nope, being gay is not a choice,it is what we are…But dear lord, how I wish I could be straight…most gays, believe me will choose to be straight if we have that choice……..but as I’ve said it is not and we can not choose……..we just feel this way!We look like any other men, we act, we talk, we work like straight men but we feel attracted to our own kind……No I was not abused when I was a kid, I am just like any other kid on school…….but oftentimes I find myself more at ease playing with girls…I find myself more inclined in arts and music…..what’s wrong with that?I believe I was born like this so I was created like this…..I am gay….I live!


  65. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi every one.Great big quantity of brave, is shown here…but is it realy brave..Every one, I am writing for evry one, am i gay or not? pls help me..YRAZISH@YAHOO.COM


  66. Sebastian Avatar

    Acropolis Review has some good stuff in the Issues area.


  67. HaCkKer@HaCker.aM Avatar

    أحا لولياعمي اي مثيلي اي خرابيط محد مثيلي انت الله ما خلقك مثيلي انت سويت بحالك هيك الله خلقك بأحسن تقويم انت عيشتك وحياتك عملت فيك هيك لو عشت بضروف تانيه يمكن تكون رجال مادري الله أعلم بس لا تحكي انا هيك انخلقت وانا وانا يا حرام ؟ كسرت خاطري تصدق وحاول تضبط امورك المشكله الفلوس هيا اللي بتخرب الشباب وبخليهم ناعمين لووول يعني لو اندقيت من عيشتك وانت صغير وانطحنت واشتغلت ما كنت صرت مثيلي يا ابو رمش خفيف .. كان معكم محدثكم موسكو يتحدث اليكم من الأراضي الاردنية نسيت اخر شي شاللي تخربط محافظ على ديني مع مثيليتي ؟ لو عندك دين ما كنت مثيلي يا حلو روح شوف الدين واقرا في كويس احم احمواخيرا ما زين الا زين يا حبيبي :p


  68. Proud Canadian Avatar

    I am amazed at the authority that you people who in one sentance admit to “not understanding gays, or why a man want to be a woman” then go on to orate from your place f admitted ignorance about how God created or did not Create people this way or that. Were you there when he did? GOD forgive you for placing such limits on his ability to love- you are compelled to do so because in your own words “I don not understand…” If I were you I would make use your God given ability to humble yourself before him and leave such large and potentially life altering descisions about others to him and him alone.And on another topic… if you are living in the Western world you are enjoying liberties and human rights that would otherwise be denied you in middle eastern regions. So you have a lot of nerve picking and choosing the freedoms and priveledges that should be extended, limiting them to those that serve youre purpose and speaking out against those that you have no use for or simply “do not understant”. Human Rights is not a buffet. You may not support those that improve your quality of life and reject those that support people who are different than you. This is inane because Human Rights are called such because they are for HUMANS. so If the people you misunderstand or can not relate to at all- for any reason- are enjoying freedoms you enjoy too… be happy they are given such freedoms despite what your think, because just a stone’s throw away is an even larger group of people that believe just as strongly as you, that you do not desrve the priveledges you have been given. Thank God they dont get to decide your fate any more than you get to decide the fate of the Gay Arab community. Careful what you wish for, all knives have curved blades… you may end up cutting yourself off while doing so to others.“Human Rights”, not “Rights for some”


  69. sami Avatar

    Hello All:First of all with all respect to all nature human, (gay, Lesbians, homosexual, bisexual…etc) not only you or me or him or her.there are many, and if not you maybe your brother or sister also father or mother.It’s a natural life any human in this earth born with half chromosomes male and the other half female, and your not decide to be in which way but when you rare in the life that all beside you do something as this your effect will be as it.Listen you can’t change what the life is or what the effect of that life bring to you, any man can be a father and any women can be a mother , on the other hands; the life will walk with or without you but you must not left to you past.<>Forget the past, Live your Present & Let the Future came<>i am also, bisexual and i have relation with men but not as being She when with regular life, on every position you must specify what you are?and i have visit many doctors for that and they don’t tell me to stop it all.and i can live like that, it is our natural and i wish to be accepted in this region.with respect i am MUSLIM. and i am pray, visit Qabah.can’t stop what the life give me.i wish to have any re-ply on my e-mail with subject


  70. XanFactor Avatar

    please invite me…🙂


  71. أخوك Avatar
  72. GayDz Avatar

    salut tout le monde!
    Je tiens a dire grande merci pour ce mec de la jordanie. Oui l'hosexualité ce n'est pas quelque chose de nouveau.

    Courage mon ami, il viendra un jour où les arabes puissent comprendres. En attendant ce jour là même si j'avoue qu'il sera pour trés trés long temps…En attendant préions dieu le plus puissant pour qu'il nous aides.

    Un Gay D'ALGeRie.


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