Licky-Licious Ice Cream: Registering a trade mark!

It is delicious!

Finally, we were able yesterday to register the brand name of our new ice cream shop that me and my best friend (Nasser) has been working on for the past several months.

We are going to open in Rainbow street when the municipality finish working on. They are turning it into a pedestrian area and things look so promising for the street as there seem to be a big plan for it.

Starting one’s own small business in Jordan isn’t an easy task. There are a lot of things you have to take care of. You have to deal with different kind of people including beraucratic goverment officials and their awkward procedures.

It seems that technology that is meant to accelerate business procedures can also set it back if people are not well trained on it to take advantage of its features.

Yesterday we had to go 3 times to the Ministry of Industry and Trade in order to get the job done.

First time, they told us that there is a form that has to be filled, and it CANT be filled by hand! They need it typed and printed out. They gave us the link to their site and where we can find the form. We asked them if they have any computers in the building were we can fill those forms intead of having to go back home or search for an internet cafe. They said that they don’t have. And so we ended up going back to Nasser’s house near the 7th circle because we didn’t know any near Internet cafe and we didn’t want to waste time.

Unfortunatly, even their online forms are not user friendly. After we filled them and printed them out, some of them got printed on 2 pages. Only the last line appeared on the second page. We thought that it is okay, as we didn’t change anything of their settings. We took the form and head back to the Ministry for a second time.

When we arrived, they took a quick look at the forms and said that they are not acceptable! They want them on one page only! and so we headed back to Nasser’s house to fix it!

After our 3rd visit, finally they accepted them! They gave us the invoice to pay at the accountant office. With our luck, the accountant seemed to have another problem with technology himself! We had to wait 30 mins in order for him to fix it so that we could pay.

A very small task of registering a trademark which shouldn’t take more than 30 mins ended up taking 5 hours! Thanks to having technology used by people who don’t know how to use it efficiently.

Anyway, we have completed another task.

Hope that you like our logo and name.

Let me know what you think 🙂


  1. I like the logo and the name as well, nice colour ,we can’t wait for the opening..i wish u and nasser all the best.Congratulaions my friend 🙂


  2. good news my frend , it looks nice cool and open up some ppl appitite :p.looking forward to see the final masterpeace of a neat shop ud open .good luck all the way Murad


  3. First of all mabrook and best of luck my friend 🙂Secondly what the hell happened with the E-government thing that began like 200 years ago?Lastly if you are going into ice cream chech this place out, they are the hottest franshise right now, maybe you can take some ideas, but let me tell you this, their ICE CREAM is friggin mesh ma3gool..


  4. I like the logo and the name as well. next time think of “what if” scenarios :),so it can make your life easier, or you can have me as a personal consultant, as I used to deal with those guys 🙂


  5. Tamara, thank you habibtyMurad, hey man, where have you been? Should see you soon 🙂Marie, magic! That is what I want to deliver :). Thanks!Mohannad, Allah yebarek feek. This is their version of the E-government I guess! :SI checked out the site. It does look delicious. Thanks for the link 🙂Nasser, Actually Salem is the one who picked up the name, and me and Haitham worked on the logo 😛Bashar, I am glad you like it :), and thx for the offer of helping us 🙂7aki fadi, allah yebarek feeke! I can’t wait till we open it!


  6. Yahoo! PLEASE tell me you will be open in winter! You might want to put up a cute poster debunking the myths people have that eating ice-cream in winter makes you sick (unless nine kids are sharing the same cone 🙂 Hey, could you add a peanut butter/chocolate flavor?I’d recommend a ‘buy ten get one free’ card, to keep people coming. And send coupons home with elementary school kids for a small freebie. And have a kid’s writing contest every month with the prize being all all-you-can-eat blitz. Cute logo.


  7. Licky-Licious.Wish I was there. I’d volunteer to be in your marketing campaign. 😀Congratulations on the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious trademark. 😀


  8. Alf mabrook man! You MUST best BaskiN Robins at their Chocolate Mousse with Hot Fudge, otherwise I won’t be your customer!


  9. Kinzi, thanks for all the suggestions. I will definatly think of the options of how to apply them.Actually, we are a bit not sure of whether to open in winter or not. The street is still closed and summer is nearly over, and people in Jordan aren’t used to the idea of having ice cream in winter. It would be a tough decision, and all will be pending on the street! Hamza, hehehe, you can actually help from where you are with good ideas and suggestions :). Thanks.KJ, I will do my best to win you even as a regular customer 🙂Shaden, thank you. Allah yebarek feeke.Reem, I am glad you like it 🙂Dave, thank you. Can’t wait to welcome you, and the other bloggers once we open 🙂


  10. ولله لم استاسيغ لا الاسم ولشكل،يعني ما لقيتوا كلام عير المص والحس حتي تسموا هيك أسامي،وبعدين ليش ماأستعملتوا اللغه العربيه،يا أخي متا راح نعتز بلغتنا،وما هذا الاسم الجنسي لمحل بوظه …هو الواحد رايح يعمل جنس وله يكول بوظه


  11. AlurduniAlurr, hehehe! how do you eat your ice cream? you bite it? or you lick it? or maybe you look at it, because licking in your mind are only associated with sex, which is something “bad”! We have pride in our Arabic language, but it is also popular to use English names. There is nothing wrong in that. The street name itself is Rainbow! It isn’t Qaws Koza7!


  12. بالله عليك ،يعني لو ترجمت هل أسم الي اللغه العربيه،شو فكرك راح تكون الترجمه ،الحس زكاوه أو الحس زاكي،أنضر الي أسم بقداش مثلأ،لقد سمي المحل علي أسم العائله،وهذا الاسم من أشهر محلات البوظه في العالمالعربي،فلماذا هذا الاسم الجنسي؟؟؟


  13. Why people connects everything to sex??? can’t people just clean their minds from these dirty ideas!! is a suitable name for ice cream is simple, just imagine ur self u lick an ice cream instead of something else!


  14. وبعدين عندي سوئل لحضرتك، أنتو راح تبيعوا البوظه بلمعلقه وله بي لوقيه؟؟وقديش حساب المعلقه؟وقديش حساب الوقيه؟ وهل لفقراء سيكون لهم خصميه؟وله أنتوا ما بت أمنوا بهذه الفلسفه الاقتصاديه


  15. ولله يا تمارا انا ألي عايش في الغرب أكثر من20 سنه،وللهةما شفت ولا أسمعت عن محل بوظه أسموا الحس زكاوه،أو لحس زاكي،وبعدين ليش أنتي معارضه علي تعليقي ؟هوا فاتح التعليق لكل الناس لي انه رجل ضيموقراطي وبحب يسمع رأي الاخرين


  16. AlurduniAlurr, actually this is a business that aims to profit. We’ll study the prices that would be suitable for the majority of people to come and buy. As for the poors, it is another case. If the business go well, we can work on studying our options to participate in charity programs and other plans to help our local society.


  17. يعني الي معاشوا 150 دينار في الشهر،وعندو خمس أولاد ،بقدر يدوق عيلتو شويه بوزه عندكو في محل الحس زكاوه؟؟


  18. Fadi, i loved the name and logo!Congrats!AlurduniAlurr how did the prices issues came up? i mean shu jab seret illi ma3asho 150 dinar?and how is LICKY-LICIOUS associated with licking other things?we lick ice cream, we lick lolipops… and you know the saying “Sex Sells!” if this is to some people linked to sex, and it sells, who cares! 😛Good luck guys!!


  19. وايضأ عندي سؤل لي الاخ هيثم،ما معني licky ،في اللغه العربيه؟؟المعني معروف الحس أو العق،البزيرفر طرح سوال ،وانا في المقابل كتبت تعليقي


  20. AlurduniAlurr, why would u assume that this place in particular is targeted to each and every person in the country? It is not gonna be the only place that sells icecream in the Kingdom.There are places for everyone!Places for those who can afford a JD 1.5 scoop to the ones who can afford JD 0.3 scoop!So what ever the prices of Licky-Licious, there will be people who will afford it and come, whether they make JD150/month or JD1000/month.


  21. والله لو كنت محلك لغيرت هل أسم المزعج صراحا ،يعني المفروض كان لازم تسئل هل الناس والااصحاب عن أسم لائق وعربي


  22. AlurduniAlurr, walla ma ana 3aref enta bte7ki jad wella btetkhawwat!You first asked me to pick an Arabic name while reading your comments, it seems that you are not really versed in Arabic! You have many spelling mistakes! Then you moved on translating Licky licious into El7as Zakawa while implying a sexual sense to it! While ella7es isn’t explicit to only sexual acts. We lick many other things in our daily lives. We shouldn’t avoid the word lick just because you associate it with sex!Then you moved to your poor case! like I am the government who is responsible of the well fare of all citizens in Amman! A person who make 150jd/month with 5 children wouldn’t even think of ice-cream! He has many other needs to fullfill first! Now, I respect every person’s opinion, and you are entitled to like the logo and the name or not. I would never be able to satisy all tastes. From the feedback I got so far, a lot of people liked it. So I am sticking to it 🙂Maybe you can visit us when we open so that we can work on changing your mind about it. Who knows, it would end up to be your favourite place, and disattach your association of the word lick with sex 😉


  23. WOW.. I love rainbow street.. its my favorate.. and now there is Icecream… This is perfect.. I love the colors and all.. Good luck


  24. يا أخي نعم أنا لست نابغه في اللغه العربيه،وهذا ليس عيب علي ،ولكن من العيب والغلط أن نسمح لنفسناأن نستخدم أسماء وكلمات غير لائقه وليس لهاهدف سوا الترويج لسئ لا يمت الي الحقيقه ،كان ممكن ان تلقب المحل،علي سبيل المثال حبيبي بوظه أو طعميني بوظه أوعمان بوظه أوبوظه بوزه،أو عمري بوظه و حياتي بوزه أو بترا بوزه بي ما أنك تتيمن بل البترا أو حتي يا عيوني بوزه،انا أعتقدلو أستخدمت أسماء عربيه وغريبه سوف تنجح ناجحا مبهرآبعدين يا أخي انا لم أقل أنك من موظف أو ممثل لهذه الحكومه المصديه والتي أكل عليها الزمن ونتهت مدتها مند العصور الحجريه وأيظا أنتا لقبت نفسك بلمراقب أليس كذلك ؟وأنا مراقب من زاويه أخرى وأنا أعطيتك فيد باك ونقد قد يكون خيرأ لك….


  25. Life, that’s cool! Then we’ll have more life in our shop when you visit 🙂RedRose, thank you. Ofcourse you will be invited for the opening, walaw 🙂Mohannad, we’ll keep on playing that song in the shop :P! heheheAlurdonialhur, I thank you for your feedback although I don’t see eye and eye with you. Actually I did also prefer an Arabic name, but we found this one cute and cool.


  26. thats a really cool name and logo. i wish u the best of luck, and i really want to come to see the place. but i dont know where rainbow street is??? and when is the oppening?


  27. un homme jordanie, thx :). Rainbow street is in jabal amman – first circle. We are hopefully going to open next year maybe by march. Will post more details when time is due 🙂


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